Wednesday 28 May 2014

Relationships in Java

Relationships in Java

In Java world, classes are interrelated to each other in specific ways. In particular, the relationships in classes have different types of logical connections. 

These logical connections /relationships among classes are defined in UML in following ways:--

1.  Association
2. Aggregation
3.  Composition
4. Inheritance/specialization
5. Realization
6. Dependency

1. Association:

Association can be defined as any logical connection or link or relationship between classes. For example students study in school or a person works for a company.

Association is represented by a solid line between classes as shown below:--


Association has following properties:--

Name:  Indicates the name of the association. Here in above example, “works for” is the name of the association.

Role:  It indicates the role played by each entity in the association. Here in above example, person class plays the role of employee whereas Company plays the role of employer.

Multiplicity: It indicates how many objects of one class relate to one object of other class.  Below diagram indicates that that 1 or more person objects are associated with 1 company Object.

Direction: It indicates the direction of association. In above example, association is from Person class where employee works for a Company.

2. Aggregation:

It a specialized form of association where one object has reference to another object but both objects has their own life cycles (independent to each other). 

Aggregation is also known as “HAS-A” relationship because he containing object has a member object and the member object can survive or exist without the enclosing or containing class or can have a meaning after the lifetime of the enclosing object also.

For example:  Room has table and table can exist without room. Table has meaning without room also.

Aggregation can be represented as below:

Here Library has references to Books but instances of both classes has independent life cycle. Books have some meaning even if library doesn't exist. Books can still be there if library doesn't exist.                             

 (Note:  the direction of the diamond should be towards the container class)

3. Composition:

Composition is a special case of aggregation where one object contains other object but contained object can’t survive without container object. 

Composition is also known as a 'is a part of' or 'is a' relationship because the member object is a part of the containing class and the member object cannot survive or exist outside the enclosing or containing class or doesn't have a meaning after the lifetime of the enclosing object.

If parent object is deleted, all its children objects have to be deleted.
                               Any department say Computer Science department is part of college. The Computer Science Department cannot exist without the college and the department has no meaning after the lifetime of the college.

4. Inheritance/Specialization:
Generalization refers to the inheritance relationship where the attributes and behavior of the super (parent) class is inherited by the sub (child) class. 

Generalization in UML is denoted by solid line followed by a triangular arrow. The arrow will be directed from the child class to the parent class.Inheritance relationship is shown below:--

5. Realization:
Realization is relationship between a blue print class (Interface in Java) and implementation class.  It is represented as a dotted line followed by a triangular arrow. For example:--
6. Dependency:
Dependency relationship between two entities is defined when one entity is dependent on another. The entity which depends on another is called the dependent entity and the other entity is called as independent entity. When there are any changes in independent entity, then it may affect the dependent entity, but the vice versa is not applicable.
It is represented as:-

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